new year's resolutions

What's The Word? Start Your 2020 Off Right

What's The Word? Start Your 2020 Off Right

It’s January and everyone is scrambling to get those resolutions and promises in place.

But what if i told you there’s a really simple technique to start your year that would help you truly align with grace and ease?


It’s super simple, really easy, and fun!

Here's the idea- choose a word, 1 word, to be like a lodestone, an organizing principal, or inquiry for your year.

It can be any word.

Sometimes the word pops right into your head as soon as you sit for a second with it. Other times, it takes a little coaxing.

I’ve been doing this to start my new year now for nearly a decade and it’s become a profound activity for me, as much as my beloved vision board.

Move Through - Make This YOUR Year

Move Through - Make This YOUR Year

Now that January is back in swing and your life has returned to business as usual, it’s time to ask yourself, is this exactly what you want? Life as usual?

If you’re really ready to take your year and your life to the next level, it will require change.

As Einstein is often quoted as saying, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

If you want different results in your life, here are 3 areas to explore:

STOP Before You Jump Into 2016

STOP Before You Jump Into 2016

For many of us, this was the first week back to work-school-life-as-usual after the holidays as well as the first week of the New Year. Happy New Year!

Maybe you’re like me, and want to eagerly jump back into life.

But before you leap back into the craziness and chaos of your wonderful life, do yourself a favor and stop.

Stop and get clear about where you want to go this year, what you want to accomplish and how you plan on doing that.

Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?

Are Your Beliefs Holding You Back?

Since it’s the middle of January I’ve still got resolutions on my mind. Last week I wrote about turning those resolutions into goals and then taking action by identifying the: what, why, how and when. If you need help with that, download my FREE Goals and Action Step worksheets at :

But if you’ve already done that and are still struggling to get going, it may be time to dig a little deeper and uncover any negative beliefs that might be getting in your way.

What is a belief?

In the simplest definition, a belief is an idea or concept that we believe is true about ourselves, others or the world at large.

Nail Your New Year’s Resolutions In 4 Easy Steps

Nail Your New Year’s Resolutions In 4 Easy Steps

On some level, I think all of us dread one thing about the New Year… resolutions. What we think is lofty or even good for us can soon feel obligatory and for some, even oppressive.

This is why I’ve taken a new attitude on the resolution. We all know that it’s easy after a few glasses of champagne on December 31st to make loads of promises we may or may not keep, right?

So here’s my idea: Turn those resolutions into goals and create some action steps using this

4-Step Process.

Time to Manifest! Make A 2015 Vision Board

Time to Manifest! Make A 2015 Vision Board

For the past several years, our family has had a New Year’s tradition. We decided to make our own, because- here's my confession- I always hated New Year’s Eve. From the time I was a teenager, my sister and I would look at each other mystified. All everyone seemed to do was get drunk and then watch a stupid ball drop. What was the big deal?

So a few years ago, we modified our evening to make it work for us. As a family, we enjoy a celebratory meal, something special, because it is a holiday after all. We even have a bottle of champagne or Prosecco along with sparkling apple cider, (known in our house as kids champagne.) After our leisurely meal, we all gather in the living room and get to work making… vision boards.

What’s Your One Word for 2015?

What’s Your One Word for 2015?

Last year, right after 2014 had just begun, I was listening to Dr. Robert Holden on Hay House radio. He shared an idea he’d been doing for awhile of choosing one word for his new year. Then he would meditate on it, delve into it, and explore it for the next 365 days.

Inspired, I decided to do the same, choose one word for the year.

My word for 2014 has been trust.

Over the past twelve months, I’ve allowed myself to simply be with this word and see what happens. At one point, around March, I had a serious crisis with trust. I became super afraid of the future, and about what might happen. That experience invited me to go deeper with trust and prompted me to create a visual representation to both remind and inspire me to open up more to trust.