Life Coaching · Psychotherapy · Spiritual Mentorship

Providing support and tools
for your personal development & self transformation

Isn’t it time you felt fulfilled, happy & successful?

Hi there! We are Shakti Sutriasa LICSW and Govinda Reinhalter MA.

We live inspired, passionate lives filled with fun, family and the sacred.

We offer individualized (one-on-one) sessions focused on what best serves you in the psychotherapy, life coaching, and spiritual mentoring realms.

We are both committed to our long term spiritual growth / personal empowerment and are excited to share that with you.

It is our pleasure and privilege to support you in releasing what no longer serves you, so you can step into a life filled with prosperity, joy and wholeness!


Use This Audio & Instantly Relax


5 Simple Tools for Immediate Support


From the Blog: Use Dr Emoto’s Research To Change the World

Sometimes we don’t realize just how powerful we are. But the truth is that if you really want to change the world, it’s actually quite simple: tune into love.

This might sound simplistic but hear me out. In fact, let me give you an example of one thing I do, as well as the science behind it!

I live near the Puget Sound, a part of the Pacific Ocean that runs through western Washington state.

Whenever I’m near the water, I look out at it and say, “I love you ocean. I really, really love you. Thank you for providing food, shelter and oxygen for us and for so many creatures.” READ MORE

 Photo courtesy of Jong Marshes on Unsplash


We acknowledge that the land on which we live and work is the traditional land of the first people of this area, the Suquamish people past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the Suquamish tribe.