What's The Word? Start Your 2020 Off Right

It’s January and everyone is scrambling to get those resolutions and promises in place.

But what if i told you there’s a really simple technique to start your year that would help you truly align with grace and ease?


It’s super simple, really easy, and fun!

Here's the idea- choose a word, 1 word, to be like a lodestone, an organizing principal, or inquiry for your year.

It can be any word.

Sometimes the word pops right into your head as soon as you sit for a second with it. Other times, it takes a little coaxing.

I’ve been doing this to start my new year now for nearly a decade and it’s become a profound activity for me, as much as my beloved vision board.

In the past, I've chosen words like: trust, love, relax. shine and flow. Other folks I know have picked words like: faith, focus, patience... get the idea?

Once you have your word, here's what to do:

Allow this word to dance around you all year. 

Write it down in at least 1 place in your home or office, more if you can! 

Allow yourself to return to this word again and again, as you explore your inner landscape and use it whenever you plan and vision. 

My goal in using this annual word, is to have it so thoroughly penetrate me, that IT becomes the guide and the teacher, revealing the lessons it has in store for me!

Last year, my word was flow. I REALLY wanted to allow myself to relax into knowing and receive guidance. I'd spent so much of my life pushing that I wanted to try a different way. 

I CANNOT tell you how impactful that inquiry was for me. Seriously, it changed my life. I stopped really planning and instead started asking for guidance. 

For 2020, when I checked in about my word, it was WILLINGNESS. 

Sometimes I have to laugh at the perfection of it all. Because now that I am choosing to live a more guided life, I ACTUALLY have to DO what I'm being told to do! 😂 😂 😂 

Thus my word.

If the idea of ONE word feels limiting, you might want to try a yearly theme.

Or, if you like, a phrase.

Perhaps the theme for your year is to be financially independent, or more present in your everyday, or accepting of yourself and others. 

Whether it's ONE word, or a theme, I encourage you to sink into that all-knowing space within you, and ask what that is.

Write it down on post-it notes around the house or office, stick it on your vision board, make a flyer or poster. Allow your word (or theme) to be like an anchor for your year, a guide, a way to navigate 2020.

As always, let me know how it goes! 

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