Overcoming Loneliness: 3 New Mindsets

I was lying in bed thinking about a friend of mine. She's absolutely amazing - beautiful, talented, funny, kind, and single.

Apart from feeling like she wants a partner, it's more the feeling of BEING ALONE that plagues her.

Have you ever experienced that?

I know I have.

And let's be honest. Even if you are in a committed relationship, you can still feel alone. Or lonely. Right?

So what can we do about it? 

Here are 3 beliefs to help when you find yourself stuck in that place.

1. Illusion of Separation

In A Course in Miracles, we are told that the Original Sin is that we have forgotten that we are a part of God! 

So for all of you recovering Catholics and Christians, this new definition might help. 

We believe we are a separate self- a physical body and brain- but in fact we are a thought in the mind of God.

In Hinduism, we also learn that EVERYTHING is part of God. You, me, the rock, the tree, the water... you get the idea.

In essence it is our perception that we are separate that causes us pain.

How can you reconnect and remember that you actually are not a separate body, but spirit having a human experience? 

2. Ask for Help

When you think you are alone, it's easy to feel like you have to do everything by yourself. There is no one you can truly trust or rely on. No one who really has your back. 

It's you against the world.

And yet guidance is there, patiently waiting for us. We simply have to ask. 

Spirit has so much integrity that it does not presume. It won't jump in and volunteer. We have to ask. 

Ma Jaya, my guru, used to say that God waits and waits for us to ask. Happy to help. If we would just do it!

What guidance do you need in your life right now?​ What's preventing you from asking for it?

3. You Are Surrounded By Love & Support

At a workshop I attended years ago, the facilitator said, "In order for us to be in this time/space existence, we have to filter out 99.99999% of what is around us" because we are ALWAYS surrounded by our angels and guides. 

And, we can call on our teachers and ancestors any time, too.

Everything in life wants to support us.

Here is a meme to help you remember:

Shakti Sutriasa blog - overcoming loneliness

What would you do if you believed you were never alone?

It's easy to falsely presume that you're weak if you need help. But really it's the opposite. 

It is in opening and receiving true guidance that gives us real, genuine strength.

Why not try it and see how you feel?

I guarantee you'll never feel lonely again!

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