How Balanced Is Your Table?

I woke up the other morning remembering a concept that came to me in my early 20s.

 The idea is fairly simple, that there are 4 different quadrants of self:

  • Mind, or intellect

  • Emotions

  • Physical Body

  • Spirit

What I recognized back then was that some of these quadrants are easier to be in than others.

Take a moment and think about yourself.

Are you the kind of person who tends to focus on how you’re feeling and why? You like to dive into your motivations or reactions to life. If so, perhaps your primary comfort zone is the emotional quadrant.

Or do you feel best when you’re physically active? You have a job that requires a lot of movement. You enjoy physically exerting yourself. The body quadrant is comfortable to you.

Maybe you love knowledge and accumulating information. You read regularly, choose to audit classes or listen to podcasts. The intellect quadrant is a place of familiarity to you.

Perhaps you relish communing with spirit, through meditation, church, nature or yoga. Then you feel at home in the spiritual quadrant.

Whatever your preference, (there is no right or wrong) there are also quadrants that are more uncomfortable to reside in.

Maybe you really avoid talking about your feelings. Or have massive test anxiety because studying is super stressful. Perhaps you avoid physical exertion or dismiss spirituality as too “woo-woo.”

See if you can rank yourself from most comfortable to least in the 4 quadrants.

That’s what I did.

And what I realized, was that the quadrants I felt the least desire to be in, were the areas of my life I was avoiding. And these were actively taking me out, sabotaging me.

In other words, I had to bring love and light to every part of me, even if it made me feel insecure or uncomfortable.

That’s how we balance all the legs of the table. That’s how we come into balance in our lives.

That’s when we feel our best.

That’s how we access our true nature.

So what do you say?

In this time of change, we are all being asked to release those aspects of self that hold us back or actively sabotage our happiness and well being.

Be brave, walk into those areas you’ve been avoiding.

You know which ones they are.

And when you do, you won’t see anything scary. Even though that’s what it feels like.

You might find a little girl or boy who needs a hug and some reassurance. You might find a place in you that doesn’t feel deserving of love.

Can you love it anyway?

Can you accept that part of you?

And even if it feels frightening, can you try to step into it, and begin to occupy it?

If you are willing, you’ll be truly amazed by the results.

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