3 Ways to Transform Despair

No matter how much “spiritual” work you do, or how long you’ve “been on the path” you’re gonna experience despair. It’s unavoidable because you have a body. And despair as an aspect of suffering, is part of the human experience.

The real question isn’t how do we avoid feeling despair, but how do we not allow ourselves to be oppressed by it?

Like most suffering, it can creep up insidiously. Maybe it starts by reading an article about the intense heat in Europe or India, or perhaps the war in Ukraine. Maybe it’s the nagging feeling that there’s something missing in your life. Something elusive that you’ll never find. And then one day those feelings trip you into despair.

 So what do you do?

 1. Remember

This experience you are having is a natural part of being human. Don’t add suffering to your suffering by judging the fact that you’re experiencing despair. Whatever is happening will pass -even when you don’t think it will. Have compassion for yourself.

2. Reach Out

Remind yourself that you are not alone. Often when we feel despair, it can feel like a lonely pit we’ve fallen into. Reach out, talk to someone, a friend or loved one, get a hug, visit a neighbor, whatever will help you feel more supported.

 3. Act

What action can you take that will feel like positive movement? Make a phone call, send an email, smile at a stranger, volunteer, garden, donate…

Getting out of your head and into the body will ALWAYS help you to feel better, no matter what it is.

 4. Ask

Ask for guidance. I often use this statement: “Help me to see this situation differently.”

Sometimes we get stuck in one way of viewing things. But there are countless perspectives, only from our present vantage point, we may be blind to the myriad of possibilities. Ask to see the situation again. And then listen. Be open to guidance showing you another way.

It’s true that feeling despair can be unpleasant, but it can also be a catalyst for healing. When we’re willing to hold the space, acknowledge it, and then work with it, we can transform the pain into love.

Ready to give it these a try? I promise you’ll feel better.

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