Use Dr Emoto’s Research & Change the World

Sometimes we don’t realize just how powerful we are. But the truth is that if you really want to change the world, it’s actually quite simple: tune into love.

This might sound simplistic but hear me out. In fact, let me give you an example of one thing I do, as well as the science behind it!

I live near the Puget Sound, a part of the Pacific Ocean that runs through western Washington state.

Whenever I’m near the water, I look out at it and say, “I love you ocean. I really, really love you. Thank you for providing food, shelter and oxygen for us and for so many creatures.”

Before you roll your eyes in disbelief, keep reading because there’s actual science behind my actions!

Have you heard of Dr. Emoto?

Masaru Emoto was a Japanese scientist who devoted twenty years of his life to studying how the molecular structure of water is transformed when it is exposed to words, thoughts, sounds and intentions created by human beings. 

In fact, Dr. Emoto wrote a book called, The Hidden Messages in Water in which he details exactly what he did and what his findings were.

In one, he exposed polluted or toxic water to prayer and positive intention, and it healed! He demonstrated how these molecules returned to a geometric design akin to those found in clean water!

He also discovered that if healthy, clean water molecules are exposed to negative thoughts and intentions, they actually become disfigured, resembling polluted crystals.

He used Magnetic Resonance Analysis technology and high-speed photographs to document these transformations.

In essence, his research proves that what we think not only impacts us but directly impacts our physical world!

This is proof of the power of our thoughts and words to create our reality.

So how are you going to use this newfound knowledge?

What can you bless with love today?

First, how about yourself?

Then, thank anyone or anything that is causing you anxiety, and send them/it love.

Here are some examples: The atmosphere. The ocean. Your neighbor. A politician. A family member… you get the idea.

May your life be filled with love, that it radiates forth from you and blesses the world.

Learn more about Dr. Emoto’s work here 

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 Photo courtesy of Jong Marshes on Unsplash