Feeling Frustrated? Try This

Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you work at something, you simply aren’t moving the needle?

Nodding your head?

Maybe you're wanting a breakthrough at work or want to push through to the next level with your writing or workouts.

Maybe it's a block that simply feels insurmountable.

We have all been there. You are definitely not alone.

But, the question is, what will help you finally have a breakthrough?

On a call recently, Robert Holden spoke about this.

He noted how so often it appears that the part of our life we are working on the hardest seems to be the area we are experiencing the least success!

And then he offered that perhaps this is because we are substituting our hard work for grace.

In other words, we are thinking we alone, have to solve and figure out this (insert problem here).

But what if, instead, we asked for help?

Invited love in? Or asked Infinite Intelligence to lend a hand?

I've been pondering this idea for the last couple of weeks, and what I've realized is that the more I obsess over something and sorta get neurotic about it, the worse it seems to get.


But, when I can let it go  - which is not the same as doing nothing - things naturally shift.

So what do you say? Would you be willing to give it a try?

Seriously, what have you got to lose?

Whatever your issue is - a health challenge, love interest, work challenge - can you ask for help from the Universe/God/Source?

Can you ask Love to guide you and show you another way?

What are the words for you?

Sometimes it helps to start by acknowledging where you are right now.

Something like: "I'm really struggling with ________ and it makes me angry and confused. And I also know that there is another way to see this and experience it. (Love/Source/God...), can you please help me see/experience this differently?

Give it a try and see how life shifts.

I'm excited to hear your results!

The more we can let life love us, the more love we have in our lives.

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