Radical 40-Day Challenge

Giving up something for Lent?

The other day I heard someone tell me they were giving up judgment for Lent and I thought, now that is a great idea!

If you think about it, we can reframe Lent, and it really is like a 40-day challenge.


Let’s use this time, in between winter and the beginning of spring, as a way to shed something old, something that no longer works for us.

As we do, we make room for the new seedlings of what we really do want.

 Here’s your question:

What are you ready to give up that will significantly improve your life?

 I’m not talking about chocolate.

I’m talking about things like:

  • Unworthiness

  • Lack

  • Pessimism

  • Obligation

  • Perfectionism

  • Deceit

  • Avoidance

Or any other aspect of yourself that is holding you back, including judgment!

What do you say?

I’m starting today- because today is the first day of Lent!

I’m giving up self-judgment.

No more “Well, Shakti, you should have…” or “You could have done that better…” And when I hear that critique, I will gently thank it, and move on.

How about you? What will you give up today? 

I’d love to know.

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