Step Into the Year of the Chariot

It’s officially 2023. What do you want for your year?

One of my daughter’s is really into the Tarot and she says that the card for this year is the Chariot. Apparently, this card is all about saying a big hearty YES to what you want to create in your life.

So, let’s hear it.

What is it that’s yearning to be birthed, that’s ready to come into fruition, that’s calling to you?

January, after all, is a time to vision.

Why not begin by creating a road map to joy? A path that chariot can navigate to help you achieve all you desire.

Here are 3 simple steps:

1. Dream Into Your Year

What is it that this chariot, that, Heck, YA! energy is driving you towards?

If you’re feeling in the flow, allow the words to come. Maybe the vision will come through a drawing or a web. Sometimes clarity and dreams flow most freely when we’re walking or moving our bodies.

Give yourself time to imagine in to what or how you want your life to be.

2. Hopes or Wishes?

Do you have any big wishes you’d like to receive this year? Perhaps another way to say this is - Is there a prayer you’d like answered?

If so, what is it?

Once it comes it could be part of your yearly theme or inquiry.

3. The Path

Now that you have some clarity about your dreams and hopes for your year, what needs to happen in order for them to manifest?

What’s the first thing you’re being asked to do?

If an entire list comes, jot it all down. If not, focus on the first step.

In my experience, that’s often all we need. Once you’ve taken that first step, the next one will appear. Really!

This process always reminds me of a scene in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. It’s the last Raiders of the Lost Ark movie, the one where Harrison Ford is trying to find the chalice of everlasting life. He’s in a cave, and his next obstacle is to walk across an invisible bridge. Each time he steps out into the crevasse of nothingness, his foot catches a stone. And before you know it, he’s on the other side.

The good part for you is you don’t have to step into an abyss! You only have to take the step you see that is right in front of you.

What is it?

Be brave. It’s only one step. And it will lead you down the road to JOY.

Are you ready?

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Photo courtesy of Bertvthul on Pixabay