What's Your Soul's Vision for 2023?

I love making vision boards! Maybe you’ve even made one with me in the past!

 But if you’re new to vision boards, no worries! Click HERE to access my free kit! 

Every year I make a vision board. Normally, I’m super intentional about it, too, trying to incorporate about every aspect of my life – from growing educationally and spiritually, to working out, to go on vacations!

Shortly before the onset of the pandemic though, I learned about a concept called Soul Collage® which is creating collage imagery in a more free flow way, allowing your subconscious to pick images and words for you, as opposed to purposefully thumbing through magazines for specific pictures and exact words.

Since then, I’ve tilted my vision board practice more and more towards this method, incorporating this dream-like process into it.

I’ll admit that at times it feels kinda weird. Because some of the images I’m drawn to seem like odd choices. When this feeling comes up, I try to relax about it and keep going.

I definitely do not completely understand this process. I just know that when I look at the boards I’ve made using this technique, they resonate so deeply with me, and offer a sense of comfort and ease, and this helps me know I’m on the right track.

Since it’s January and undoubtedly you’ve been ruminating about your 2023, perhaps it’s time to visually dream into your year.

Do you have a clear sense of what you want to manifest and how you want to feel this year? If so, perhaps a more traditional vision board is for you.

If, however, you’re more into creating a mood, allowing life to guide you and dictate, see where that takes you.

Or, you can also do a combination of both!

Whichever feels right, use my FREE KIT. The materials and process are the same. The only difference is in your approach.

Get creative, have fun and DREAM!

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Image courtesy of Pexels on Pixabay