No Liquid Luck? 3 Ways to Find Your Flow

I don’t know about you, but I think about living in a state of grace, or being in the flow, a lot!

You know what I’m talking about, right?

That space, where everything is easy, life feels simple and abundant. As if the obstacles simply melt away effortlessly.

When you’re in that place, it feels both enlivening and empowering.

So why is it – if this space feels so good - that we fall out of it?

This is when I wish I could go to Hogwarts or perhaps just Diagon Alley and get the supplies to make the potion, Felix Felicis, otherwise known as, Liquid Luck.

If you’ve never read the 6th Harry Potter book, The Half Blood Prince, or seen the movie, perhaps you have no idea what I’m talking about!

This potion, Liquid Luck, is said to offer the drinker a period of good luck and success in whatever endeavors they undertake.

Doesn’t that sound perfect?

Guaranteed success!

In the book/movie, there’s a scene in which Harry, who possesses a vial of this potion, decides to ingest it since he’s been trying in vain to accomplish a task.

He gulps down the drink and then instinctively goes on his way. Although where he goes seems completely illogical!

To me, that scene completely embodies this space of grace.


Because when we’re in the flow, it’s as if we have surrendered our small brain’s striving to the larger mind’s knowing.

There is a certainty in this knowing, that to an outside observer might appear non-sensical or illogical, yet it is precisely what is needed in order to obtain the desired goal.

Barring the fact that none of us (with the exception of perhaps JK Rowling) know how to brew up some Liquid Luck, how can the rest of us step into that flow?

Here are 3 Ingredients:


This one is KEY. It requires us to let go of our plans in order to allow a higher guidance to come to us. It sounds simple, but it isn’t easy.

Lately, when I’ve felt afraid to trust, I’ve been doing an experiment. I say to myself: “Why not just try it for a day and see what happens?”

How about you?

Are you willing to try and trust that whatever it is you desire will come?

Reach in. Ask what it is that you are to do and then…

2. Listen

We have to get quiet in order to hear that intuitive voice, that inner knowing that wants to guide us.

Listening involves letting go of our ideas of what we should do. What we think is the right action.

Remember, we’re doing an experiment. We’re trying something different. We’re putting aside our ideas and listening to inner guidance.

3. Relax

Since this is an experiment anyway, why not relax and allow it to unfold? It’s more fun this way, too.

When you’re in the flow, it feels like an unseen, loving, positive force is working in you and through you.

Tap into that. This is how to access your own version of Liquid Luck.

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Image courtesy of Arek Socha