5 Ways to Strengthen Your Resiliency

When I was in social work school, we heard a lot about resilience, like it was this magic ingredient for success. We weren’t exactly sure why some people had it, but it was clear that those who did were able to much more easily weather adversity and life challenges.

In truth, I don’t think resilience is actually elusive.

We’re all resilient, otherwise we wouldn’t be here! Because life can be difficult and we keep going.

The question really is, how do we strengthen the muscle of resilience?

Here are 5 Ways

1. Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Don’t think about this as Machiavellian (the ends justify the means, no!) but rather that you focus on your goals.

See yourself as having already accomplished whatever it is you want: winning the race, living in the house (you want to buy), being at that office (in the job you wanted) working.

Regardless of where you are right now in life – in a dead end job, a crummy flat- keep focused on what you actually want. Even when negative mind chatter pops up to confuse you. Simply keep seeing yourself as having completed the goal.

2. Persevere

Once you’re clear about where you’re going with absolute clarity, walk towards it, one step at a time.

This is about fostering the spirit of determination, a willingness to do whatever it takes to get your goal. It is refusing to give up.

If you get confused about what you should do, ask: What’s the next step I have to take?

You’ll get an answer! Promise!

3. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff

Encourage yourself to stay focused on your goal so that it becomes your overriding thought. If little frustrations or obstructions occur, simply move them to the side.

You have a bigger plan.

Refuse to allow yourself to spend time and energy concerned about the hiccups, the small setbacks or diversions. Simply come back to what you want.

4. Reframe

Here’s a question for you - how are you looking at life? Does it feel like it is supporting you or does it feel hostile?

You can think about any situation in your life and ask this. Such as, did you get fired because someone at work hates you, or because it was time to have a better paying job?

When we are willing to view the circumstances of our lives as if they are happening FOR us instead of TO us, we move from feeling like a victim to being empowered.

Not only does that feel incredible but it allows us to take inspired action!

5. Connect to the Eternal You

Part of fostering resilience, is remembering that you are a soul having a human experience.

From this vantage point, it’s easier to relax about the world, viewing it more like earth school. This can help you feel less stressed about it all. 

The easiest way to connect to the eternal you, is through a spiritual practice such as meditation, prayer, yoga, breathwork, ecstatic dance, etc.  

Which one is right for you?

Nurturing resiliency will help you achieve your dreams and goals allowing you to feel like you’re truly thriving!

After all, isn’t it time you genuinely claimed your life?

Allow yourself to step into what it is you came here to do.

Life is waiting for you.



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Image courtesy of Kim Thomas on Pixabay