Getting What You Really Want in 3 Easy Steps

I once heard Marci Shimoff, the author of Happy for No Reason, explain how to be successful using 3 simple steps:

The first one is Intention.

Intention requires us to get crystal clear about exactly what it is that we want.

Such as:

  • A brand new red Honda Accord

  • A job working for a specific company doing a particular job

  • A partner with these particular traits

 Get the idea?

The more specific and precise you can be the better.

Let’s face it, most of us bumble through life and forget how important it is to actually stop and dream in to exactly what it is that we want in our lives.

So stop right now and do it!

Are you wanting the right team of doctors and practitioners to support your healing?

Is it a specific amount of money to flow into your bank account every month?

Whatever it is, get clear, paint the picture for yourself.

The next step is Attention.

Now that you know exactly what you want, it’s time to put your thoughts, your feelings, as well as your actions in alignment with your goals.

How does this look? 

It’s stating in precise language what you want.

You might say something like:

“my healing is already in process, and the right and perfect team of people is being attracted to me right now. I will connect with them easily and effortlessly.”


“I’m grateful to be working at (name of company) in the position of (title) getting paid (amount of $) and enjoying the wonderful people and supportive culture here.”

Louise Hay tells us that when we, marry affirmation with action, we get evidence that life loves us.


Marci Shimoff’s final tip is No Tension.

And that is you relaxing into this process.

You’ve gotten clear about what you want, you see yourself already having it, affirm it verbally, are taking action to support you in achieving this goal


Now you allow the universe to guide your actions and support you in the process.

Here’s an example, in March I was in Colorado skiing and set a goal for myself to be completely comfortable and proficient on any terrain, specifically moguls. My friend spent hours giving me tips and lessons which I worked on integrating.

And what I observed through this process was that the more I relaxed and trusted my body, the skis, his advice, the easier I could adopt these new skills.

At one point, he took me on a narrow trail where the moguls were gigantic, the drops six+ feet, and he would yell, “DIVE!” meaning I had to literally thrust my body forward as if I was going to fall forward over the hill, when every part of me wanted to sit back.

The only way I could actually pull this off was to scream, “DIVE!” out loud as I thrust myself forward. Every time I did, I was so much more in control and felt safer than when I leaned back and my skis flew out from under me.

It’s completely counterintuitive and required me to trust – myself, my equipment, my friend, life.

And here’s what happened, the more I relaxed, the better I skied!

So pick something that you want to change in your life.

Get really clear about exactly what you want.

Speak it, Feel it. Take inspired action.

And relax knowing that life loves you and wants to bring it to you.

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