How to Really Change the World

You know that expression, “wherever you go, there you are.”?

I was thinking about that the other morning.

If you’re like me, you want the world to be a better place, more loving, peaceful, sane.

But what if the real way to succeed at changing the world isn’t by going out and tangibly changing the politics, or environment but is all about changing yourself? In other words, changing your mind about the world.

This is what I think the above quote actually means.

Because when we try to change the world, and not ourselves, this is where we end up -

“wherever you go, there you are.” Everything still looks broken or unsafe, desperate or dire.

As a student of non-duality, I’m taught and intellectually believe that the world as we perceive it is not real. In other words, it is something we are creating.

Therefore, if this world is indeed a creation of our mind, then the real way to change it is by changing our minds about it.

Therein lies the truth.

So how do we do that?

On the most simple level, we orient ourselves to love.

One way to do that, is to ask yourself, “is this action, comment, idea I am having/doing, is it loving?”

We have no neutral thoughts. We are either thinking kind and loving thoughts or we are thinking fear thoughts in the form of anxiety, stress, anger, dread, revenge…

And our thoughts are creating the world around us, the world that we experience.

Be a gardener of your thoughts and re-orient them to love.

Become more attuned to what you say to yourself all day long.

The inner becomes the outer.

It’s true that we are constantly taught the other way around. Which is probably why life might feel futile.

So cultivate inner peace, unconditional kindness, and love for yourself and watch the world transform before your very eyes.

If we all do it, imagine what we can create!

Next week I’m giving you a concrete example of how this is really true!

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