3 Ways to Make the Most of Social Distancing

With global numbers of confirmed Covid-19 cases on the rise, it’s time for us to learn how to live with this situation rather than keep hoping it’s leaving soon.

 After doing an inventory of people who are really thriving during this unusual time, here are 3 suggestions of ways you can be too.

1. Exercise

Whether you’ve always worked out or never have, now is a great time to incorporate exercise into your schedule.

Many of us have reduced or no commute times (as well as limited social calendars) and that means even more YOU time.

Why not try something you’ve always been interested in? Zoom makes it so easy. For me, it was mat Pilates. For my daughter, it’s been dance. A close friend of mine does Chi Gong.

What about you? Interested in learning salsa? Tai Chi? Fencing?

2. Create

The most satisfying and fun parts of my day are when I’m creating.

Making something out of nothing with your thoughts and hands – be it gardening, needlework, baking, drawing or weaving, can be incredibly energizing.

It feeds the right side of our brains, which, for those of us who do analytic thinking a lot, is a wonderful break and can actually feel regenerative!

What have you been hankering to do? One of my friends loves to color in mandalas, another is a potter, a painter, a writer, a multi-media artist.

What medium is calling to you?

3. Go Within

This global time is a massive undoing. Evidence of that is all around us – systems collapsing, industries drying up- and it’s also happening on a personal level.

We are ALL being asked to go within and release habits, beliefs and ways of being that no longer work, that hold us back, or are destructive.

How can you support yourself through this time? Would it be helpful to speak to a therapist or coach?

Do you have a spiritual practice? If so, how can you deepen into it?

What are you being asked to do for yourself right now? Maybe it’s to join an online group, maybe it’s to have meaningful conversation with a loved one.

The future is uncertain.

But at the same time, we can prepare as best we can by really supporting ourselves right now to the best of our ability.

Be kind to you. Nourish you. Support yourself and your loved ones.

And try any or all of these ideas to step more into feeling supported and held at this time.

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