how to get what you want

Getting What You Really Want in 3 Easy Steps

Getting What You Really Want in 3 Easy Steps

I once heard Marci Shimoff, the author of Happy for No Reason, explain how to be successful using 3 simple steps:

The first one is Intention.

Intention requires us to get crystal clear about exactly what it is that we want.

Such as:

  • A brand new red Honda Accord

  • A job working for a specific company doing a particular job

  • A partner with these particular traits

 Get the idea?

The more specific and precise you can be the better.

Let’s face it, most of us bumble through life and forget how important it is to actually stop and dream in to exactly what it is that we want in our lives.

So stop right now and do it!

Are you wanting the right team of doctors and practitioners to support your healing?

Is it a specific amount of money to flow into your bank account every month?

Whatever it is, get clear, paint the picture for yourself.

Step Into Your Future: 3 Ways to Manifest Exactly What You Want

Step Into Your Future: 3 Ways to Manifest Exactly What You Want

Last weekend I attended a writer’s conference. There were classes and opportunities to network but most importantly, I got to pitch my book to potential agents.

Before I went, I was kind of nervous.

I had never done anything like that before.

What if none of the agents were interested?

Even when we want something to happen, dream about it, and vision it, we can be afraid when we’re looking right at it.

Which is why I found the guidance from a recent meditation so helpful. My anxiety was swirling when I heard a very distinctive voice. She cut right through the chaos and said, “Step into your future. The door is right there, in front of you.”

Move into Your New Life with Joy & Ease

Move into Your New Life with Joy & Ease

In my blog a few weeks ago, I laid out the 3 steps for manifesting your vision – dreaming it, writing it out, speaking it into existence and allowing it to occur. (if you missed it, click here.)

As it begins to come to fruition, something curious happens.

Instead of being elated, you may feel scared, unsure or totally unsettled.

This is the moment when we can self-sabotage.

3 Ways to Tackle Uncertainty

3 Ways to Tackle Uncertainty

I had a revelation the other day.

It was about transformation.

Our souls yearn to evolve and change, to up-level, to reach our goals and manifest our visions.


So we go for it and jump into the trenches. We start working and making things happen.

And then they do.

I experienced this last week. I realized that for the majority of this year, 2016, I have focused on closing my old life and making this transition across the country.

My life change has not only involved a physical move but also closing my coaching practice in Florida and transitioning clients, saying goodbye to friends (and family) I’ve had for over a decade, letting go of routines and habits, releasing an entire lifestyle and everything that was familiar.

And here’s the trick, the one I am now face-to face with: to make something new and not re-create the old.