Yes You Can!


Ready to make that shift in your life?

A new job, relationship or home?

Once you decide, things start to fall in place, a To-Do list or path becomes clear.

And yet, as you move closer to the actual shift, the change itself, new resistance and difficulties arise.

Here’s the trick: Don’t Quit!

The first time I heard about this was from Harv Eker.

He explained how you have to be willing to keep going towards your goals despite the obstacles. Often, there are a few and it’s only after you’ve attempted for the third time that you break through.

Sound familiar?

I experienced this exact thing when we made our move last month.

On the day the truck was at my house loading our belongings, I went to run a quick errand with my kids to pick up a piece of jewelry I’d designed and ordered. The pendant was a symbol of my “new” life so I was eager to get it prior to the actual transition.

About twenty minutes into the hour-long ride up I-95, we hit standstill traffic. There was a huge collision and the police were re-routing everyone off the highway. It took another two hours for us to get there.

Did I quit? No. Because I knew that this is how change is.

The next day we flew to Seattle. We had three checked bags, two carry-ons, three back packs, and our puppy dog. Since we had so much stuff and were arriving late at night, I reserved a rental car at the terminal.

Once we retrieved our luggage and piled it onto a metal cart, we followed the signs to the rental car area. This lead us out to the curb where over a hundred people were queued up, waiting for a shuttle bus to the rental car building.

Sometimes nothing feels easy.

And this is because of our egos.

When we are on the cusp of shifting, part of us gets scared – what if this change is bad? What if it hurts? What if it’s a mistake?

Despite the fact that it’s exactly what you want, your ego doesn’t really want to change – it always seeks to stay the same.

So it kicks up resistance when you least expect it, and obstacles get in the way.

The trick is to keep going anyway. Just like I did at the Seattle airport.

I took a deep breath, got on line and wheeled that buggy to the bus. Just as my husband boarded with the dog, and I was unloading our bags wondering how the he** I was going to manage it all, an airport supervisor showed up. He stopped everyone else from getting on and loaded my bags for me!

Thank you, God!

So the next time you feel like the change isn’t ever going to happen. That you’ll never get there, know that you will.

Remember that it always takes more effort than you think. It may even take three tries! Love yourself enough to know that you can do it and that you will succeed!

You’re so close!

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