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Move into Your New Life with Joy & Ease

Move into Your New Life with Joy & Ease

In my blog a few weeks ago, I laid out the 3 steps for manifesting your vision – dreaming it, writing it out, speaking it into existence and allowing it to occur. (if you missed it, click here.)

As it begins to come to fruition, something curious happens.

Instead of being elated, you may feel scared, unsure or totally unsettled.

This is the moment when we can self-sabotage.

Move Through - Make This YOUR Year

Move Through - Make This YOUR Year

Now that January is back in swing and your life has returned to business as usual, it’s time to ask yourself, is this exactly what you want? Life as usual?

If you’re really ready to take your year and your life to the next level, it will require change.

As Einstein is often quoted as saying, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

If you want different results in your life, here are 3 areas to explore: