Getting What You Really Want in 3 Easy Steps

Getting What You Really Want in 3 Easy Steps

I once heard Marci Shimoff, the author of Happy for No Reason, explain how to be successful using 3 simple steps:

The first one is Intention.

Intention requires us to get crystal clear about exactly what it is that we want.

Such as:

  • A brand new red Honda Accord

  • A job working for a specific company doing a particular job

  • A partner with these particular traits

 Get the idea?

The more specific and precise you can be the better.

Let’s face it, most of us bumble through life and forget how important it is to actually stop and dream in to exactly what it is that we want in our lives.

So stop right now and do it!

Are you wanting the right team of doctors and practitioners to support your healing?

Is it a specific amount of money to flow into your bank account every month?

Whatever it is, get clear, paint the picture for yourself.

4 Ways to Manage The Fast Pace of Life

4 Ways to Manage The Fast Pace of Life

Is it just me or are you feeling like we’re in a moment of rapid change?

I look around and everything appears to be in motion. People moving homes, getting different jobs, tackling new health problems…

Even though my life feels relatively stable, I’m traveling more and am busier than ever! 

And while that all feels exciting, especially after the cloistering we’ve done these past few years, I find that my heart rate can get elevated from managing both the amount of change as well as the rate with which it is happening!

Forgive & Set Yourself Free: 3 Steps

Forgive & Set Yourself Free: 3 Steps

Have you seen this movie The Mauritanian? It’s based on a true story about a Guantanamo Bay detainee. At one point, he explains that in his native language, Arabic, the word for freedom is the same as the word for forgiveness.*

I was struck by this. Because day after day, year after year, these words echo in my mind, “forgive and set yourself free.”

I first heard them from Louise Hay, and as I began to do forgiveness work, I found that it was true!

Forgiveness does have an incredibly liberating quality. Quite the opposite effect of what we think we will experience.

Ready to Attract Your Ideal Partner?

Ready to Attract Your Ideal Partner?

The question I get more than any others is this:

How can I be in relationship with a partner that completely sees me, gets me, loves me and supports me?

Whether you’re in a relationship right now or not, this blog is for you!


Because it reveals the ONE secret that every person who is in a truly fulfilling relationship knows.

Want to know what it is?

It’s actually really simple.

A Simple Way to Use Time Efficiently

A Simple Way to Use Time Efficiently

We have been told that time is an artificial construct only our lived experience does not feel like that!

Time feels relevant, full of meaning. We have appointments, schedules, flights, people to meet…

So perhaps the way to look at time is to ask yourself, are you using your time or filling your time?

In other words, how do your days feel? Are they exciting and vibrant? Do you feel alive and excited about your life?

Or are you waiting for the day to end? For you to be done with some task you don’t like in order to relax, chill out, or do what you want to do.

One of the most important lessons I learned about time, is that it is happening right now.

I often find myself quoting a line from a John Lennon song, “life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.”

No Liquid Luck? 3 Ways to Find Your Flow

No Liquid Luck? 3 Ways to Find Your Flow

I don’t know about you, but I think about living in a state of grace, or being in the flow, a lot!

You know what I’m talking about, right?

That space, where everything is easy, life feels simple and abundant. As if the obstacles simply melt away effortlessly.

When you’re in that place, it feels both enlivening and empowering.

So why is it – if this space feels so good - that we fall out of it?

This is when I wish I could go to Hogwarts or perhaps just Diagon Alley and get the supplies to make the potion, Felix Felicis, otherwise known as, Liquid Luck.

If you’ve never read the 6th Harry Potter book, The Half Blood Prince, or seen the movie, perhaps you have no idea what I’m talking about!

What's Your Soul's Vision for 2023?

What's Your Soul's Vision for 2023?

I love making vision boards! Maybe you’ve even made one with me in the past!

 But if you’re new to vision boards, no worries! Click HERE to access my free kit! 

Every year I make a vision board. Normally, I’m super intentional about it, too, trying to incorporate about every aspect of my life – from growing educationally and spiritually, to working out, to go on vacations!

Shortly before the onset of the pandemic though, I learned about a concept called Soul Collage® which is creating collage imagery in a more free flow way, allowing your subconscious to pick images and words for you, as opposed to purposefully thumbing through magazines for specific pictures and exact words.

Since then, I’ve tilted my vision board practice more and more towards this method, incorporating this dream-like process into it.

Step Into the Year of the Chariot

Step Into the Year of the Chariot

it’s officially 2023. What do you want for your year?

One of my daughter’s is really into the Tarot and she says that the card for this year is the Chariot.

Apparently, this card is all about saying a big hearty YES to what you want to create in your life.

So, let’s hear it.

What is it that’s yearning to be birthed, that’s ready to come into fruition, that’s calling to you?

January, after all, is a time to vision.

Why not begin by creating a road map to joy? A path that chariot can navigate to help you achieve all you desire.

Here are 3 simple steps:

What Exactly is Advent?

What Exactly is Advent?

I never knew much about advent growing up in a household with, as my mother famously called herself, a “fallen Catholic” (whatever that meant) and a culturally Jewish but Atheist step dad. My father didn’t take us to church or temple either, although he’d have probably told you he was agnostic.

To me, advent meant colorful calendars with tiny windows and doors, and most importantly, daily chocolates!

It wasn’t until recently that I began to understand advent in a mystical way, as a means to support our self-transformation, and encourage our personal connection to the divine.

Essentially, what these 4 weeks before Christmas are designed to do is provide a time to intentionally clean out in preparation for receiving the light.

Becoming Self-Realized

Becoming Self-Realized

When I graduated from college, I was intent on saving the world from a climate disaster.

I’d taken classes on hydrology and fossil fuel use in my senior year that awakened me the impending doom on the horizon.

And despite the fact that I actually graduated with a degree in art history, I pestered my way into an internship at the Union of Concerned Scientists. There, we created and ran a nationwide symposium on global warming.

It was 1989.

Within a year, I was half a world away in Hong Kong, struggling to figure out how to continue doing environmental work when I lacked an engineering degree and my Cantonese was lousy.

Determined to make a “difference,” I began teaching.

What if Life Really Did Love You?

What if Life Really Did Love You?

It's true that some days are hard.

Maybe you want to bury your head under the pillow and not face life.

Maybe it all just feels like too much.

On days like that it can be way too challenging to remember that you really are the author of you life story.

I have those days too.

So, when we’re in one of those spaces, what helps?

Lately, I’ve been finding immense comfort in Louise Hays’ affirmations. This one in particular: “Life loves me.”

Here’s how I’ve been using it.

When I feel besieged by fear, overwhelmed by anxiety, gripped by scary what-ifs and doomsday scenarios, I say to myself: “yes, and life loves me.”

3 Ways to Deepen Into Autumn

3 Ways to Deepen Into Autumn

Can you believe that tomorrow is the first day of fall!?!

Where I live I’m definitely seeing evidence of this shift. The air is noticeably cooler, many of my flowering plants are beginning to die, and some deciduous trees are starting to change color.

As we enter into this new season, here are a few ways to deepen into the transition:

1. Reflection

4 Levels to Spiritually Awaken

4 Levels to Spiritually Awaken

At the beginning of the pandemic, I shared the 4 Stages of Spiritual Development that Michael Beckwith, the Minister of the mega church, Agape, in Los Angeles developed. If you aren’t familiar with his work, he’s a profound spiritual presence and a phenomenal speaker.

In a nut shell, these are his stages:

Stage 1- Victim Consciousness: Life is Happening to Me

In the victim place, we often wonder why things are happening to us, why we are being punished, or are experiencing suffering.

Here is where we fundamentally lack a sense of will, or even the belief that we can affect change. We feel helpless to control our life circumstances, believing that we are alone and apart from everyone including God/Universal Consciousness.

4 Ways to Tune Into Joy

4 Ways to Tune Into Joy

Did you know that HAPPINESS consistently ranks at or near the top of polls when people are asked about what they want in their lives?

Yet connecting to that feeling of contentment, to absolute joy can feel elusive. We know it’s there, we see others experiencing it, but we’re not…

So how do we access joy?

1. “Joy is here because you are here.” -Dr. Robert Holden

What this means is that we ACTUALLY carry joy. Whether we believe it or not, joy is our innate nature.

And in truth, we desperately want to be in that state all the time.

3 Ways to Transform Despair

3 Ways to Transform Despair

No matter how much “spiritual” work you do, or how long you’ve “been on the path” you’re gonna experience despair. It’s unavoidable because you have a body. And despair as an aspect of suffering, is part of the human experience.

The real question isn’t how do we avoid feeling despair, but how do we not allow ourselves to be oppressed by it?