3 Tools to Manage Your Life Like A Boss

3 Tools to Manage Your Life Like A Boss

Feeling stressed or crazed because there's too much to do and not enough time to get it all done?

Our 24/7 world is taking a toll.

But if you’re ready to work smarter rather than longer or harder, I have 3 simple ways you can begin to do that RIGHT NOW.

Sound good?

1. The One Thing

This particular one has been my mantra for the past few years. It’s based on Gary Keller’s bestselling book of the same name.

He asks you to answer this question (and I’m paraphrasing), “What’s the 1 thing that if you do it, it will change your business/life?”

It might sound crazy, but I dare you to try it. 

When I did, I got an answer and it’s been the SAME for 3 years now!

What I like about this is that it gives you a focus, an orientation so you're 100% clear about where you’re going.

Feeling Flawed? Think Again

Feeling Flawed? Think Again

“No amount of self-improvement can make up for a lack of self-acceptance.” – Dr. Robert Holden.

When I first heard Robert say this, I gasped.

And then I let it seep into my being. Because even though I was a life long self-improvement addict, I knew, not only was he right but that it was time for me to change.

How about you?

Been on the constant merry go round of self-improvement too?

Ready to get off and try another way?

Here are 3 easy to apply ways to move right into self-acceptance:

Time To Rage

Time To Rage

Everywhere I look, women are getting beaten up. I suppose it was the week, between the Kavanaugh hearings in Washington DC, reading about Tara Fares’ brutal murder in Baghdad, the fifth such killing of outspoken women in Iraq in recent months. And then my own daughter feeling bullied at school.

Something in me just snapped.

Yes, these injustices have been going on for millennia, but it’s clearly time for a tidal shift.

And that means that all of us, YOU and I and the millions of other women around the world need to stand up and express ourselves, especially our anger.

If you’re ready, here are 3 tips:

Ready For A Miracle?

Ready For A Miracle?

As you know, I’m a big fan of the book, A Course in Miracles (ACIM), which is often described as a self-study curriculum designed to help the reader experience personal transformation.

In Chapter 1, it literally defines miracles. (I know, isn’t that so cool!?) 

There are 50 points, or ways that miracles are described but today, I thought I’d share my top 5. 

Here’s my list:

1. Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle. (3)

hat last sentence is balm to my heart, the gentle reminder that love heals all.

Life Lessons From the Boat

Life Lessons From the Boat

Ever been on a sports team? Softball? Basketball? Frisbee?

People make light of sports but being on the crew team in high school changed my life.

Even though I’d been active as a child both at summer camp and with dance lessons, I was intimidated by sports at boarding school. All the kids were EXPERTS having played squash, tennis, or field hockey forever.  There was no way I could compete with that level of mastery.

But sometime mid-winter of my junior year, my mother encouraged me to try out for crew.

So I signed up, sat at an ergometer machine – which I had NO idea how to use- and a month later, found myself at spring training at Rollins College in Florida.

After a week of blisters, jogs and sweaty workouts in the boats, I was the only one cut from the team.

3 Ways To Tackle Fear of the Future

3 Ways To Tackle Fear of the Future

Afraid of what's to come?

You aren't alone. The other day, I was talking with a 20 year-old who's moving to Nepal for 6-months. She’ll live with a family, learn the language, and be fairly isolated (as most host families don’t have internet.)

“Sounds like when I lived overseas!" I replied, laughing. "Those were the days of snail mail and expensive phone calls.”

But I also knew her fear – the fear of going someplace completely foreign, being thousands of miles away from friends and family- being alone.

She admitted that when she’d first learned about the trip something inside of her urged her on. The more she learned, the more she wanted to do it, until she was actually facing getting on the airplane.

Has that ever happened to you?

Open to the Divine Mother

Open to the Divine Mother

I got a message recently from a woman asking me about the Divine Mother. She worried that there might be a way to be rejected by her.

I define the Divine Mother as the feminine face of God.

I see her as a timeless earth goddess whose lap I can crawl into any time and she’ll hold me and nourish me like a baby.

This woman’s message reminded me that allowing ourselves to be loved can feel scary. Especially when we’ve been betrayed, hurt or feel scarred by the earthly mother’s or female mentors we’ve had.

If this is resonating with you but you want to open up to the love of the Universal Mother, here are a few ways to help.

What Mr. Rogers Taught Me

What Mr. Rogers Taught Me

A few days ago I saw a preview of the new documentary about Fred Rogers called, “Won’t You be my Neighbor?” Instantly, I remembered being a small child, excited to turn on our old black & white TV and see Mr. Rogers smiling face as he invited me into his living room. With fondness, I recollected watching him take off his “street clothes” and put on his sweater and tennis shoes.

Then when I was about 11 or 12, I was rummaging through my father’s stack of albums and pulled out Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. I started belittling him, saying his show was for babies. It was stupid. And then my father’s stern voice rang through the hallway. “Mr. Rogers is an exemplary human being. His show is intelligent, thoughtful and fun. And his message is one of universal love.”

That shut me up.

5 Ways to Embrace Change with Joy & Ease

5 Ways to Embrace Change with Joy & Ease

It's official! On Saturday my youngest daughter graduates from high school! As exciting as this is, it also means that come September, I’m officially an empty nester.

Even though we know that change is a part of life, it can still feel stressful and fraught with anxiety.

Isn't there a way to manage change with awareness and clarity instead?

If you're experiencing change in your life - a big move, new job, relationship or are about to send a kid to college- use these 5 steps, and embrace that transition.

Be Kind

Be Kind

In today’s bully infested world, kindness is seen as weakness.

You and I both know that simply isn't true.


Who wants to live in a world where we pull each other down and make each other wrong? 

Instead, let's support one another, help us reach up and become our higher selves.

Which is why I'm making a stand for kindness.

Think about it.

How do you feel when you’re mean or cruel to someone?

Now think about how you feel when you’re kind.

Like fear, kindness is contagious.

10 Ways to Kickstart A Daily Spiritual Practice

10 Ways to Kickstart A Daily Spiritual Practice

We all crave more peace, less anxiety, and definitely less stress.

One of the best ways to do this is to have some kind of daily contemplative practice. Think about this as a time to simply be with you. To touch base with the wise, all knowing self that resides deep within you.

A spiritual practice is something you give yourself so it should feel exciting and fun and definitely NOT like a chore. It’s not another “have-to.”

I often think about this time as refuge – a state I can enter where the craziness of the world is far away- where there is only peace and a sense of calm.

Craving more peace in your life? Here are 10 ideas to get you started:

10 Ways to Love Mother Earth More

10 Ways to Love Mother Earth More

Yes Earth Day JUST passed (on Sunday). But it’s never too late to take a stand and care about protecting our planet.

Part of my daily prayer is for our earth – that we may live in peace with all of our human, plant, animal and mineral brothers and sisters. In fact, I pray for us to become stewards of this sacred place that is our home.

Which is why the celebration of the earth is important – to acknowledge the amazing planet we live on.

I’m sure you’re already on board, but here’s a quick list of simple things you can do right now to make a difference.

How To Do Your Job

How To Do Your Job

Okay, I admit it. My husband is a New England Patriot fan.

So, naturally I watch a lot of football. And I particularly enjoy spotting their coach, Bill Belichick in his frayed hoodie, staring at his players, showing no emotion, but always reminding them to “do their job.”

His signature phrase "do your job" has become ubiquitous in NFL circles. I frequently hear announcers and players of other teams using it. “He needs to do his job... I just have to do my job.”

It's even seeped into everyday chat. In fact, someone on a radio news show just said it!

And that got me wondering, what does it mean exactly?

5 Major Blocks to Happiness & How to Release Them

5 Major Blocks to Happiness & How to Release Them

When people are asked what they want in their lives, it’s always more happiness.

So then why aren’t we as a society happier?

According to research, happiness levels in industrialized countries have stagnated since the 1950s and are now actually declining.

And it isn’t about needing more stuff, earning more money or having a bigger house.

As many of you know, I’ve been actively studying happiness since 2011 when I became a certified happiness coach. Since then, I’ve taught workshops on happiness as well as continued to dive into the practice of daily happiness on a deeper level in my life.

And here are the 5 biggest blocks to happiness.

3 Ways to Manifest Exactly What You Want

3 Ways to Manifest Exactly What You Want

What do you want?

Seriously. Do you even know?

About a year ago I read a book called, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.

In it, he explains that EVERYTHING comes from our minds.

Okay, I know that sounds weird, but hear me out.

A light bulb wouldn’t exist if Thomas Edison hadn’t conceived of it in his mind. Nor would a car, an airplane, or an iPhone. See where I’m going with this?

All of these tangible, physical “things” were ideas first. They were conceived in someone’s mind and that person or group of people then went about creating a physical product.

Isn’t that great news?

This means that with intention, and belief, (and inspired action) you can manifest whatever you want in your life too.